Huge all over the world, millions of players compete in Fortnite around the clock on a daily basis, as the numbers continue to grow. Many of these will be solo games whereby the player must compete to remain as the last player standing in order to win the ‘Victory Royale’. Here we’ll take a closer look at these games in Fortnite, and how you can place your money down betting more effectively.
With a hundred players in a single match, one player must beat the odds and outlast all ninety-nine other players in-game. Collecting resources and fighting their way to the center of the island, they must survive, all whilst doing their best to take down the others. With Fortnite being a Battle Royale style video-game, the purpose is to keep out of the storm that’s closing in around them on a timer. Towards the end of the game players must then fight one another, leaving the last few standing, all before reaching the final winner.
As an eSport this has become hugely popular, with scores of players competing, from the Fortnite World Cup, right down to smaller events and tournaments. What does this mean when it comes to betting though, and which players should you keep an eye on when looking to put your money down?
Where To Bet Fortnite Solos:
For most things Fortnite and eSports betting related in North America, Bovada is your best option.
Offering the widest selection of Fortnite bets at any given time, Bet365 Sportsbook will be what you need when betting in Canada.
Everywhere Else:
Here it’s also Bet365 Sportsbook, as it provides the most eSports bets around the world at any given time.
What is Fortnite Solos?
Often it’s the case that players will play within teams, or alongside partners, but here they must rely solely on their own wits. Not having anyone there to back them up, once a players health reaches zero they’re out, with no chance of being revived. With so many players in the game, you’re essentially watching, waiting for that one single individual to make it through, whilst hoping the rest won’t.
There’s plenty of rising eSports stars in the world of Fortnite, with new players continually fighting their way up through the ranks. Here’s some of the factors you should take into account when betting on any given solo matches in Fortnite:
- Positions and Ranking: Here you can bet on where your chosen player will rank, and whether or not they’ll make it into the top 3, which is a huge honor in of itself.
- Events and Schedules: Solo events will often sit alongside duos and team tournaments, especially in the World Cup, so time it right, seeing which days are playing what games.
- Player Tactics: From their preferred landing spot, to how they effectively utilize their time in-game, everything will be down to the individual, as opposed to working in a team.
In recent years with the release of all the latest seasons of Fortnite, there’s been some contention over the viability of Solo mode for those at higher levels, but this isn’t to say that it isn’t still popular with professionals. Given that there’s so much competition to remain in game, it stands to reason there’s plenty of betting opportunities in these games; but where to turn?
Common Fortnite Solos Questions:
What sort of bets are there in solo based matches?The main bet you’ll be presented with first and foremost is the ‘To Win Outright’, as you place money on who you think will survive through to the end. Whilst this may be the main wager for many, betting on their favorite players to make it through, the odds aren’t always so appealing. Sometimes you can shake it up a bit with the ‘Top 3 Finish’, betting on which players will finish in the top three positions, along with the region of the winners, and who will win which tournaments. Balancing out your bets a little more will allow you to create a wider selection, ensuring your money goes that extra distance.
Which kind of players should I watch for?
There’s plenty of big names and celebrities in the world of Fortnite, with a lot of money surrounding them and their brand. While their skill level and professionalism is bound to be high, don’t be dazzled by their star status, as Fortnite, and eSports in general, can be very fickle. Many new players come and go, and there’s a high turnover rate in the game, so you should always be on the lookout for new talent. Players with staying power who have a range of abilities, including resource management and defences, are ones to watch, as it’s not all about who has the best aim, although that’s obviously a major part of it.
How to Bet Fortnite Solos:
Once you’ve selected ‘Sports’ from the main page, go ahead and choose ‘Esports’ from down below on the next. Using the ‘All Esports’ drop-down menu you can find ‘Fortnite’ then when it becomes available, although sometimes it’s under ‘Other eSports’. Choosing the events you want, you will then find all the open matches down the page, and you can pick the ones you want, along with the solo players once you have.
Bet365 Sportsbook:
To start with you want ‘Esports’, which will be available from the left side of the page, and then you can find ‘Fortnite’ and the available events down the center. It’s all listed alphabetically, and many of the games themselves will be solo, as the betting markets are featured under each event. Opening them up you will then find the odds, allowing you to create the betting slip you want with the players.
Fortnite Solos Betting Strategy:
With a large number of players in-game at any one time, it’s not just a case of who will win, but who will lose as well. You’re essentially looking for one player out of a hundred to make it through, whilst making sure the rest don’t. This is why it’s important to not just focus on any one individual, as the positioning and ranking of the top players can play a major part, especially when it comes to the top three finish.
Spreading your bets across the boards is ideal tactically, but it’s also useful to have someone you can root for, as this makes for a more fun viewing experience too. When it comes to solos it’s definitely satisfying to watch your chosen player make it to the end, as you essentially take the journey with them.