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Where To Bet the Super Bowl


In this article I’m going to cover betting the Super Bowl online and telling you where to place a bet on the super bowl. I’m going to talk about the best places to bet the Super Bowl and the reasons as to why.

Now any old online sportsbook will offer up betting on the Super Bowl – I’m sure you know that. However that doesn’t mean you should just deposit money at the first place you find online.

I mean you’re not really going to bet better odds on a team to win or anything at each sportsbook – most of them are pretty much sticking with the exact same point spread and exact same odds. So there are other things you want to look for if betting the Super Bowl online.

I’d say the main things you are looking for in an online sportsbook,, when you are looking to bet the Super Bowl, is:

  1. Trustworthy and reliable.
  2. Has a wide variety of prop bets available.
  3. Offers a deposit bonus.

That sound about right? You want a sportsbook who you can trust and know you’ll get your money if you win your bets. You want a sportsbook that will offer up a wide variety of prop bets because really if you can’t bet on how long the anthem will be, what colour the gatorade is or Tom Bradys hairstyle that day, what the hell is the point of betting? And hey if you can get some free cash to bet with, all the better right?

So with all that in mind, here are my main recommendations for where to bet the Super Bowl online:

Where To Bet the Super Bowl:

America: Without a doubt I’ll recommend Bovada. These guys were formerly known as Bodog and have been offering up betting since the year 2000. That’s a long time so they tick the box of “reliable and trustworthy”. These guys are known as the KING of props. When you see articles on ESPN or Sports Illustrated listing crazy ass prop bets, they’re listing ones straight from Bovada / Bodog. Trust me on that. And they also offer a $250 welcome bonus for the Super Bowl so there ya go – $250 free for all new registrations.

Canada: I said it all above but Bodog is the place to be. Online since 2000, offer the most prop bets available, offer solid lines, and offer a deposit bonus.

United Kingdom: I personally advise Bet365 Sportsbook with their in-play betting and the variety of bets they offer.

Everywhere Else: I’d actually recommend BetOnline for everyone else. Here’s the reason: they are a sportsbook that accept Americans. Based on that, they focus on American football most. Bodog and Bovada don’t accept anyone outside of North America but BetOnline do and that’s a great thing as they offer some incredible action on the Super Bowl. Honestly I’d recommend them above Bodog/Bovada if it wasn’t for a weaker interface – but it’s still good enough, and a great place to do Super Bowl Betting.

How to Bet the Super Bowl Online:

Bovada: After visiting the site click the link “Sports” in the left sidebar. Then click on the “Football” section. All the Super Bowl bets will be there for you. There will be multiple bets on the game which you can see by clicking “BETS >” on the very right and then the list of Super Bowl specials below that. If you want to filter it you can use the “All Football” link in the top green navigation bar and choose the category you want to bet in.

Bodog: Exactly the same the instructions for Bovada. It’s the same sportsbook just under a different name.

BetOnline: Log in and on the very left is “Football”. You can use the “NFL” or “NFL Props” checkboxes and hit “Continue” to see what bets are available.

What Super Bowl Bets Are There?

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Whew. Just too many to list.

I mean we have our Super Bowl Game Bets. These are games particular to the game and some examples would be:

  • Who will win
  • Point spread
  • Over/Under (Game Total)
  • Who wins the first half
  • Over/Under total team points
  • Highest scoring quarter
  • Exact Winning Margin
  • Correct Score
  • Margin of Victory
  • Total Points to be Odd or Even
  • Team to Score First
  • Will There Be A Safety
  • Highest Scoring Quarter

That’s just a few examples. Then you have Player Prop Bets which include bets like:

  • Over/under on times QB gets sacked
  • Over/under on touchdowns thrown
  • Over/under on rushing yards

Then you have the Crazy Prop Bet section. Yeah you have simple ones like will the coin toss be heads or tails, or what colour the gatorade will be. But there’s so many more. Here’s a few examples from particular Super Bowls:

Super Bowl 2018:

  • Justin Timberlake makes his entrance via: Zipline, Car, Motorcycle, Jet Pack, Dog Sled, Parachute
  • Will Donald Trump attend the game?
  • Will Janet Jackson make an appearance during the half time show?
  • How many times will Al Michaels say “dynasty”?
  • Tom Brady to wear a bandage on his right hand?
  • Commentators not to mention Donald Trump
  • The colour of Pinks hair

Super Bowl 2017:

  • Will Luke Bryan wear a hat?
  • Who will Trump pick to win the game?
  • How many times “Matty Ice” said by commentators
  • How many times Robert Kraft shown on TV
  • What coach mentioned first – Quinn or Belichick
  • Will anyone say the word “lacrosse” during the game

Common Super Bowl Betting Questions:

What’s the best sportsbooks for Super Bowl props?

Americans: Bovada
Canadians: Bodog
Everyone Else: BetOnline

Where Can I bet the first score will be a safety?

At the above mentioned sportsbooks they all offer that.

What are the odds the Super Bowl goes into overtime?

Check the above sportsbooks – best to recommend you go there as the lines and odds change all the time.

is there any Super Bowl Free Bets?

Not that I am aware of however most online sportsbooks will offer deposit bonuses. So you deposit $200, you get $200 in bonus money giving you $400 to bet with. You can’t just withdraw it right away though there is terms and conditions for each bonus so be sure to read them. The big one is a set wagering requirement where you have to wager the money you deposited PLUS the bonus a set amount of times.

Super Bowl Betting Strategy:

Profiting on the Super Bowl is actually surprisingly easy.

You just have to ignore all the craziness around it. Ignore the random bets like colour of gatorade etc. Focus on the core bets – the football bets. And then a few of the prop bets.

If you look at the history of Super Bowl bets you can usually get an idea. A lot of the prop bets are there and set up for people to win – basically the sportsbooks get a lot of new users and they want people to have money in their accounts at the end of the Super Bowl. So look for the most obvious ones and don’t overthink them.

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