The Overwatch League, also known as ‘OWL’ through its abbreviation, is what we will look at here. Along with this we’ll also provide a breakdown of how you can best profit from this particular eSport overall.
Run be the highly successful company Blizzard Entertainment, who have successfully overseen a number of other popular eSports franchises, such as Starcraft and Hearthstone, this is one of their latest eSport productions. Based around the game Overwatch, which is a team based first-person shooter, this league oversees all the players in a more professional capacity. With the potential to bet on various match outcomes as well, this should then offer the spectator a chance to get involved themselves and make some money.
Where do you start when betting though, and what goes into placing a successful wager on this particular eSport? That’s what we’ll look at here, giving you a clearer idea of when and where to place your bets.
Where To Bet On Overwatch OWL
America: Your best choice here with the most bets available is the Bovada site, giving you the most when it comes to Overwatch. With a whole range of options focusing upon this particular league, you should be able to find the bet you want. There’s also the ability to combine bets too, giving you more control over everything.
Everywhere Else: For everywhere internationally, you will want to choose Bet365 Sportsbook as your main port of call for all your Overwatch betting requirements. Giving bets on each of the games, they are largely determined by the overall outcome of all the matches. This allows you to ultimately make the most of your bet, with the ability to create combos as well.
What is Overwatch OWL Betting?
The league itself is run by Blizzard Entertainment, as they oversee the entire OWL competition themselves. With teams made up of six players in total, the prize pool itself goes up to $3.5 million, making this an extremely competitive eSport. Not only that, but Blizzard is taking the league worldwide, as it will reach beyond America, reaching an international global audience.
The breakdown of each individual Overwatch game is largely set around four game modes in total. These are made up of:
- Assault: With a predesignated attacking team and defending team, the attacking team must capture the set target points, whilst the other team must defend them.
- Escort: Similar to before, the attacking team must this time escort a set payload to a certain point, whilst the opposition must stop them.
- Hybrid (Assault/Escort): Here the payload is now a set a target point, as each team must seek to deliver it to its destination in order to win.
- Control: This time each team has to capture a ‘control point’, and hold it for a set amount of time.
With this being the main professional league for the whole of Overwatch as a game, you will find that this is what you’ll need to focus on when betting on it. How do you get started though, and what do you need to help make your way within the eSport?
Common Overwatch OWL Betting Questions:
What types of bets are available?
Mainly focused upon the maps themselves and the overall results of each match, you will largely be able to bet on the outcome of every game. Given a large amount of leeway, you can find bets, or a combination of bets, that will suit your requirements. These range from ‘match handicaps’ to ‘2-way’ winning outcomes of both overall matches and maps, giving you a more versatile and satisfying bet.
Where can I find out more information?
With it being live-streamed now on Twitch, there’s no shortage of platforms you can find information available on. Not just that, but there’s also plenty of forums and newsfeeds to discover more inside information on all the latest on the players and teams. Along with this, their own social-media also provides a wealth of up to the minute, constantly rolling news and facts, which is always a big help.
How To Bet On The Overwatch OWL
Bovada: From the main page you should be able to see ‘Sports’ located at the top, right by the ‘Casino’ tab. Selecting this go on to the next page where you’ll find ‘E-Sports’ located down the left-side of the subsequent page, found just below ‘Boxing’. From there head to the ‘All E-Sports’ roll down menu found at the top, which will then give you ‘Other E-Sports’, after which you should then find a whole host of options rolling down the middle of the page, along with the Overwatch options you’ll want.
Bet365 Sportsbook: First you will want to choose the ‘English’ language tab from the top of the main landing page. On the next one choose ‘Esports’ which is right underneath ‘Darts’, leading you onto the eSports listings down the middle of the page. Overwatch should then be some way further down, with all the betting options that you’ll need.
Overwatch OWL Betting Strategy
Start off by familiarizing yourself with every aspect of the gameplay prior to making any kind of bet. This will allow you to see any patterns in the gameplay, as it really is a game that you need to know inside out. Once you have a firmer understanding, you should then be able to predict the outcome of future games with a greater degree of accuracy.
Getting the odds on any given game will be a great place to start too, that is when it comes to the betting itself, but there are still other factors to consider. Team line-ups and the interaction between the players is an important point to take onboard with Overwatch, given their reliance on one another throughout any given game. Watching past play-throughs on services such as Twitch and YouTube will help you here, along with keeping abreast of the newsfeeds and social-media. Following all this you should then have a far more rounded and in-depth view of the eSport as a whole.