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Where To Bet Love Island


Where To Bet Love Island

The British dating reality television series Love Island has become a huge event for many, with contestants entering the island in order to remain for the duration and not get voted off. In order to do this they must couple up with other ‘Islanders’ and, if they can stick it out, they win the prize money at the end. They don’t have to be the only ones to profit though, as you can place down a bet, which we’ll now look at here.

Broadcast by ITV, the show is massively popular, typically showing most weekdays at 9pm on their channel ITV2. Running since 2015, it’s an annual event now, with its format being taken from the earlier reality series ‘Celebrity Love Island’, which ran from 2005 to 2006. Using cameras placed around a villa in Mallorca the contestants are under constant surveillance, which is then edited for the viewers at home. Winning awards, including a BAFTA for Best Reality Show, it’s proven to be an enormously successful formula, with it being adapted for an international market too, including Australia, Germany, Sweden, and America.

Taking the show to the next level, there’s plenty of chances to bet on it, as we shall now examine in greater detail. Where do you start though, and what should you look for when putting down money on a potentially winning couple?

Where To Bet Love Island:


With this being a primarily English show, the bets tend to be few and far between, but occasionally you can find some on Bovada depending upon when you login.


Outside of North America throughout Canada, Love Island bets are far more readily available, and Bet365 Sportsbook is your best option when it comes to betting on the winning couples.

Everywhere Else:

This would again be Bet365 Sportsbook, as it has the most Love Island bets available at any given time internationally.

What is Love Island?

An extremely popular reality game-show, contestants are housed within a Spanish villa in Majorca, whereby they must couple up with other contestants in order to remain for the Summer. All the while the viewers at home, through the official Love Island smartphone app, can decide who they’d like to remain and who should leave. There’s also the Winter villa now, which has it’s own annual season and is housed in South Africa, making for two separate Love Island television events each year.

The winning couple will receive £50,000 in prize-money if they successfully build a romance, whether it be one of genuine affection, or simply one of convenience for the cameras. Here’s a general layout of the format of the show itself, as it runs each season:

  • Coupling: Using first impressions, the couples partner up on the first day, and then ‘re-couple’ as the series progresses, as they either stay with their partner or change.
  • Eliminations: Sometimes the Islanders get to decide who will leave, but typically the viewers must vote weekly for which couples will go and which will stay.
  • Final Couple: The final week lead-up sees the remaining couples vying to stay and win the prize-money, which is then decided upon by the public.

It’s the Thursday episodes which many tune in for, as they feature the eliminations, which is what you’ll want to see when betting. How do you best gauge which couples are going to go through though, and who’ll be heading home early?

Common Love Island Questions:

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What do viewers base their votes on?:

There’s a number of factors that can be taken into account when considering who viewers will vote for in Love Island. First is the likeability of the people involved, and how they play for the viewers, which you can essentially gauge yourself through watching. Then there’s the coupling itself, and how people feel about the relationships, which tend to be under intense scrutiny by the public. Whilst the couples themselves may feel they’re onto a great thing within the sanctity of the villa, they wont be aware of the reactions in the outside world. They do have phones, but these are only for contacting each other within the villa, with nothing available from outside, meaning that viewers can see them using certain strategies, but they can’t.

Which couples should I watch for?:

Media coverage is an important component of any season of Love Island, both online and off, and it’s essential you keep up-to-date with it all. A contestant may be playing well on-screen, but a negative piece of gossip or news outside of the villa could change everything. Social-media is the ideal platform for finding out more as well, as this can provide direct responses from the viewers themselves. It might be difficult to keep up with discussions and gossip if you’re living outside of the UK, but paying attention online can help remedy this, as this offers a clear perspective on some of the most engaged audience members.

How to Bet Love Island:


First you want to go to ‘Sports’ at the top of the main page, taking you into the main sportsbook of the site itself. You then need to select ‘All Sports A-Z’, before going on to choose ‘Entertainment’ from the second row down. Here pick ‘Futures’, and then ‘Love Island’ if and when available from ‘All Entertainment’, and the open bets will then be shown down the center of the screen, giving you the winning couples to choose from.

Bet365 Sportsbook:

From ‘Sports’ at the top of the first page, choose ‘Specials’ just below ‘Soccer’ from further down the left-hand side. Opening up ‘United Kingdom’ from underneath, all the UK based miscellaneous bets will open up, largely focusing on entertainment and politics. Listed alphabetically, you can then find ‘Love Island’ for that particular year and season, being either ‘Winter’ or ‘Summer’, with the ‘To Win Outright’ bet taking you through to all the available couples and odds.

Love Island Betting Strategy:

Viewers have their favorites, and many tend to fall into certain camps as each season progresses, with some contestants playing to certain audiences better than others. As fans congregate around certain Islanders and relationships, many start to read their own preferred narratives into it, just as it can be with any television show. Usually these followings of forming fandoms can be found online, as Love Island hashtags are extremely popular on Twitter, especially on the UK trending topics around the time of anything major happening.

You can easily follow news like this online, with Twitter being the best platform for up-to-date information and opinions, whilst traditional media does offer some gossip and news. Knowing the contestants and how they’re playing to the audience is key, as this will allow you to make a more informed and conscious decision when betting.

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